we allow your PKI information to be secured with your fingerprint. The PKI platform is used for your email.
Why are you talking here like you're a consumer of the company and then two posts from this one it comes out that you are involved with them? Very bad web etiquette.
for most people: -the emoticons -my "unbiased" comment -followed almost immediately by posts stating i am with the company would convey the fact that i do work for them - and that i have somewhat of a sense of humor....
I have used www.networksolutions.com for hosting/design, and they are OK for someone without any experience. There are probably better ones that I do not know of.
www.getacoder.com. Post your project and you'll receive responses from around the world. Some of these folks are very talented and inexpensive.
yes, plenty check downloads.com to see which is most popular or many host and registrars have a simple online software you can use but the best one depends on what you are wanting to accomplish that last post about using getacoder.com was the best advice http://rentacoder.com is even more popular or my personal favorite is http://scriptlance.com I've used them over a dozen times but if all you want is a blog you can use Googles Blogger.com software for free. They will host if for free or you can buy a name pay a host and still use their software Most people prefer wordpress as the best blog software but there are many good free ones