well thats it...final word on daytrading

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ratboy88, May 6, 2004.

  1. Happy Birthday you old fart. let me guess, 48????
    #11     May 6, 2004
  2. Oh, dude, do I write that bad??

    lmao, thank you, Ratboy88 - I think.
    #12     May 6, 2004
  3. nawwwww...just kidding about the 48. i see your girlfriend started a birthday thread just for you......you lucky dawg.
    #13     May 6, 2004
  4. "Day trading is for the arrogant and the proud who think they can beat the market. The only way you can beat the market is to get in it and stay in it for a long time. Buy a mutual fund and leave it alone for 20 years. You’ll make money every single time."........I make money more than 9 of ten days (differering amounts to be sure) and you wouldnt have made money if you bought and held enron, global crossing, and at least hundreds of other companies for twenty years......this guy is an asshole who has no idea what the fuck he is talking about, but really seems convinced that he does........free advice is usually worth what you pay for it, and this "expert" is proof of point.

    #14     May 6, 2004
  5. No....I was just rewarding him for being so well behaved... if you behave well I'll reward you too
    #15     May 6, 2004
  6. my tail just shot straight up.
    #16     May 6, 2004
  7. Good boy ;-)
    #17     May 6, 2004
  8. I think the article is good advice for MOST, but not all people... Wouldn't you say?

    I think the person that wrote that letter to thay guy for advice was the bigger idiot...
    #18     May 6, 2004
  9. dbphoenix


    How else can you make the day's wages in 15 minutes? :D
    #19     May 7, 2004
  10. Steve789


    "Hardly. I've been doing this for thirteen years. Though my strategies and tactics have changed over the years, these days I buy retracements in trends. In order to do so, however, I make use of a MACD histogram."

    Could you briefly explain your current strategy and how volume is integrated into this?
    #20     May 7, 2004