What can I do with excellent credit score

Discussion in 'Luxury and Lifestyle' started by eaglefeather, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Recently, I was able to zero and pay off all credit cards with trading profits. Are there benefits to having a perfect credit score?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. ph1l


  3. ErAli


    Lucky you! :thumbsup:
  4. ZBZB


    Listen to Dave ramsey on YouTube. Payoff your student debt, credit card debt and car loan smallest to largest, build emergency fund of 3 to 6 months of expenses, save 15% into retirement, save for children’s college, payoff house, save into mutual funds, be everyday millionaire. Then give generously.
    wrbtrader and murray t turtle like this.
  5. %%
  6. kandlekid


    Having a great credit score allows you to spend, spend, spend!!!! But I think the key is to live below your means. As an example, it's not what you make that's important, it's what you spend.
  7. Overnight


    What if the US government defaults on it's debt?
  8. Sig


    I had an 850 score for one month, not through any great effort of mine but my bank sends it to us every month so it was an item of mild curiosity. It gave me bragging rights over my wife, who had a measly 830. Other than that, there's zero difference between that and anything over 700, which generally qualifies you for pretty much the lowest rates on any loan that bases rates on credit scores.
  9. Having a perfect credit score means your bank can trust you and hence has no problem in offering you loans. Wish it was me!!
  10. wrbtrader


    If hell breaks loose on the planet, your government defaults on its debts, you have a personal financial disaster in which you lose all your money except your hidden assets...

    The fact that you have no debts, you'll be able to survive the chaos and may be able to profit from it when others can not.

    P.S. Nevada, Delaware, and South Dakota are tax havens within the United States. You can quietly hide a lot of your money in these states.

    #10     Oct 7, 2021