Hmmm..... (scratching my head)... that seems like a bold remark considering that many here are position traders. It would be rather shortsighted not to pay attention to news if you scalp, trade intraday swings or have an intermediate (1 wk) time horizon. To each his own.....
Referring to economic news...the morning numbers, usually happen before market opens.... This obviously does concern those who trade equity futures and hold overnight...For stock traders, while potentially affected by the broader market, one cannot do much about it anyways. You could always try to get in/out on PM/AM market if one would choose to do so...
With regards to the service you were comparing us to, we are much faster, cover a broader range of topics, and broadcast economic numbers the second they can be legally released. In addtion we are an audio service unlike the one you mentioned.
Pete: "I don't even look to see when the scheduled economic announcements are anymore." I trade four futures markets (sometimes more). I'm interested to hear why you think it is stupid.
Me neither. What's the point? As for swoop[tr], I trade index & bond futures and even forex, or to be precise, the DAX, ER2, ES, ZN, BUND and EUR, JPY, GBP & AUD. Haven't traded stocks for years. Too much commish, too much tax, too little diversification etc. So what are you talking about? On my screens I have a big range of clean charts in different timeframes, a range of tapes, range of depths & selection of market profiles. Why do I need subjective opinions or releases, if I can extract all the objective market-generated information I need from the above sources? News don't do anything. Not just that trading right at a release is usually too late, but the majority of the time they just reinforce what's already in the charts, anyway, or for that matter, reflect what the insiders have already acted on, before the public knows the news. News are just news, and a lot of them are highly subjective. As for the like of economic number announcements, well the trouble is that they're usually right, whereas the markets usually aren't. The markets are usually wrong. So really, they aren't very compatible. What's the point in looking at what's "solid" or "fact" or "right" (news) if you want to be as objective as possible about reacting to what the manic depressive crowds do (markets)? By the way, before you start flaming me on the point "The markets are always wrong", well actually both Soros and Buffett (the two richest investors/traders in the world and by the way both of them ignore news and external research, too) equally agree on this one, so go and dare to argue if you wish, but argue with someone else. What I do works for me, I hope the same applies for you. And have fun with the news, good if they do wonders for you. Compliments -S