What happened to PYPL?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by RGLD, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. RGLD


    The stock is down over 30% from it's highest. Based on what I've read, it looks like PYPL missed it's target earnings last quarter by a little, but due to soft guidance, investors sold off.

    The revenue expectations are 12% next quarter.... Compared to previous quarters I don't think it was that bad. At least not -30% bad...

    I don't know, this was a power stock for a few years. Now it's tempting to buy since it's down so much. Maybe V, AXP, and MA will put them outta business lol.
  2. IMO, nothing has changed for PayPal's market dominance. So at this point, you would either wait for bullish price action or do fundamental analysis to determine if you want to do some knife catching.
  3. maxinger


    nothing abnormal.

    big picture :
    PYPL has risen from 30 to 310 in just 4 years.
    That is a massive 1000% increase!
    Investors are happily taking some profit.
    KCalhoun likes this.
  4. RGLD


    Doesn't anyone think the space is a little crammed? Doesn't visa and mastercard compete?
  5. I am not smart enough to decide. I will let the market decide and follow along.
    terzioglu, taojaxx and Axon like this.
  6. GotherL


    JAN 21 200 calls looks good.

    But I don't have the patience nor account size to afford holding this for weeks.
  7. Peter8519


    Just share my really bad experience with PYPL.
    I had one transaction that gone bad. It was due credit card expiry date not being updated. Their support staffs like to write long respond. Oh let me help you.... well we need the merchant to unlock that transaction before we can remove that transaction from your account. I have since deleted my account for years and they still spam me with their new terms and conditions. :mad: There is no way to unsubscribe.
    Mazedonia and zdreg like this.
  8. RGLD


    The market just determined a 30% correction is needed because of soft guidance. I don't know if it's really the guidance, that's my main concern. I hope it's not something else. 30% is a big correction.
  9. It's what is going to happen to every super overvalued stock over the next couple of years as earnings go flat.
    Clubber Lang, Nobert and fan27 like this.
  10. Nobert


    Could easily end up at $40 and none of the pro boys would cry.
    #10     Dec 30, 2021