What if every country would have only 4 states: Conservatives right/left, and Progressive right/lift

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OddTrader, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. What if every country would have only 4 states: Conservative right/left, and Progressive right/left?

    Preferably with the conservative on one side, and the progressive the other side, with a mini-wall alike in-between 2 sides, each side for 2 states! Only the national citizens can freely pass the mini-walls!

    Then all political and economic problems hopefully solved, with almost very different policies within individual states!

    Each state has domestic laws of guns control, birth control, (external) border control (for immigrants), wage control, tax threshold, tax rates, school fees, hospital fees, etc. that are applied to the domestic residents/citizens.

    Residents from one state, without official approval, cannot enjoy the benefits from another state!

    Any change of residents from one state to another state requires a minimum waiting period of 5 years! The next change will need 10 years! The 3rd change 15 years! The 4th change 20 years waiting! So forth and so on!

    Of course, just one national army!

    Maximum freedom of choice on lifestyle!

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  2. Wouldn't work. The Progressives wouldn't have any money to redistribute or to pay for their share for national defense. They would all just die and rot with nobody to take care of them. (Come to think of it, that's not such a bad idea! No country benefits from a plethora of parasites.)

    What you're talking about is sort of what the Founders set out for America... Each state was to be more-or-less sovereign. And if you didn't like the direction your present state was heading, you could move to another.

    Doesn't work with an all-powerful and greedy federal government, however.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  3. gwb-trading


    It would work until one of the groups wanted to impose their views on another and take over the neighboring state.

    Or until the Progressives ran out of money.
    Tom B likes this.
  4. My 2 cents:

    It is possible that many meaningful issues/problems faced in the past, today and potentially in the future, have been created by the theories/ideologies due to conservatives vs progressives!

    Interestingly, almost every country would have almost half voters supporting conservative policies, the other half supporting progressive!

    And it seems these two groups of supporters cannot easily reach agreement or compromise!

    Are there any underlying reasons/causes for that?

    On individuals level: Genes? Brains? Human nature?

    On organisational structure level: Education system? Political system?

    On society level: Politicians manipulation/promises? Party publicity/advertisement? Religious affiliation?

    Your comments?
  5. The only reason we even have "progressives" and "conservatives" is because America at one time had some wealth, and the Leftists hadn't yet gotten their greedy, power-mad hooks into our culture and economy. Greedy Lefty politicos capitalized upon that to gain power by securing the vote through "wealth redistribution".

    When the redistribution is complete, there won't be any need for differing political views... there will be only a small governing elite who is relatively well off (10% perhaps?) and the rest of us will be queuing up for our ration of toilet paper and potatoes... just like the former Soviet Union before its collapse.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  6. No agreement, of course.

    "Conservative" in America = "governed by the principles of the US Constitution". That is... each man free to live his life as he sees fit, so long as he doesn't infringe or harm others... without the the government on his back at every turn. Small federal government with limited powers granted by the states only.

    "Progressive" = "Liberal, Leftist, Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Nazi... AND the American DemoCrap" party. BIIIIIG Government... with it's head so far up the citizenry's ass we can taste the Brylcreem... trying to control every aspect of our lives... including the "news" we hear, what we say (and soon, it seems, even what we think)!

    The differences between the two are like "oil and water".

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016