What is the most important mathematical idea in stock trading?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Lloyd W. Coutee, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. qxr1011


    The Money Making Theorem.

    It is based on two postulates:

    1. Knowledge is power.

    2. Time is money.

    Given that Power = Work/Time

    and because: Knowledge = Power and Time = Money

    Knowledge = Work/Money

    from here we can easily obtain:

    Money = Work/Knowledge

    So when Knowledge goes towards zero, Money goes towards infinity, and on the contrary when Knowledge goes toward infinity, Money goes towards zero.

    The evident conclusion: The less you know, the more money you definitely make.

    Those of you who have difficulty following this presentation must make a Lot of Money !
    #21     Dec 13, 2016
    beginner66 likes this.

  2. [​IMG]
    #22     Dec 13, 2016
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  3. maler


    Forecasting what the forecasters will forecast.
    #23     Dec 13, 2016