What is this trade?

Discussion in 'Options' started by James.DeGori, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. A friend of mine (online) often shares trades he makes. Here is an example:

    ROKU 1 OCT-16-20 155/Oct-16-20 160/Sep-18-20 Custom spread. 19.7 limit. This a call debit spread +1-1+1.

    What is he looking at in order to set this type of trade up, and why would you want to do it?
  2. guru


    This is a 3-legged trade, so it’s not a spread. But this trade is missing information so it’s invalid and I don’t know what this is. What is the strike for September 18 expiry?
    tommcginnis likes this.
  3. horizon


    i think it is missing the calls and puts and strike for sep.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  4. destriero


    He's missing the Sep strike. It's a bull vert + call. But why?
  5. Oh sorry, Sept-18-20 155. That is my question why? How does this make money and why would you trade it?
  6. 155
  7. Oh sorry, Sept-18-20 155.
  8. destriero


    Long the Sep 155C
    Long the Oct 155C
    Short the Oct 160C

    You can dissect it via the vert or the diagonal. He's in the Oct 55/60 bull spread and long a 55 Sep call. Why? I could see if he was hedging gamma against a 55 calendar or diagonal by going long the 55 calendar and a long 60C, but this trade as outlined is stupid.
  9. guru


    I guess these are two trades mixed up, a spread and a call. And both bullish, so just bullish bets. Not sure what else to make of them...
  10. Ok maybe this makes more sense? 43BA48E5-FEB4-443F-8D1F-B6F26E99B6F8_4_5005_c.jpeg 43BA48E5-FEB4-443F-8D1F-B6F26E99B6F8_4_5005_c.jpeg
    #10     Jul 11, 2020