what is to prevent Donald Trump from engaging in stock manipulation for profit?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Phill Twist, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Considering the impact Donald Trump's words had on the stocks market, what is to prevent him from engaging in stock manipulation for profit?

    Donald Trump’s remarks sent both Boeing and Lockheed Martin plummeting. Given that he is still managing his business, what is preventing him from shorting a stock and then making a comment to profit?
  2. he stated he has no stock holdings... but he has forecast his views in multiple interviews, he's trying to run USA in a fiscally prudent way, contrary to what the market expectations used to goose the bond longs.

    its actually bullish for bonds.
  3. I heard there was unusual activity minutes before the tweets.
  4. clacy


    I'm sure he would be the first politician to profit from their position lol....
  5. gwb-trading


    Trump has nearly nothing (probably zero shares) of publicly traded stock. What little he had he sold during his campaign to raise cash.

    The real question is what will be done to prevent Trump from making deals with foreign countries which benefit his companies.
  6. You mean like buying up control of a railroad that hauled tons of oil , then using political influence to block a competing pipeline? Oh sorry, that was Saint Buffett.
  7. The same thing that would have prevented Hillary, honesty and integrity.:p NOOOOW, everyone one is concerned about pay for play, blackmail, bribes, manipulation, etc., etc. Couldn't find these people asking questions about the Clintons and their money making schemes. Where were they then? Suddenly investigative journalism is a top priority.:rolleyes:
    Clubber Lang, Tom B and gwb-trading like this.
  8. fhl


  9. Ricter


    Didn't you just finish saying in another thread that basically everything is lies?