What's your favorite DeFi protocol project?

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Elena_Rodriguez, May 22, 2023.

What's your favorite DeFi protocol project?

  1. UniSwap

    1 vote(s)
  2. AAVE

    0 vote(s)
  3. 0x Protocol

    0 vote(s)
  4. Curve

    0 vote(s)
  1. .
  2. I just noticed last night, Curve certainly seems to have fallen down the list from the good-old-days. I also confess, it almost makes me wince, since it's been related to multiple disasters. These were not exactly the fault of curve, just the way curve was implemented with other disastrous projects.

    I have yet to use AAVE, despite the years that go by. I've been planning to, just so many other things take up my time. By the way, I haven't even got involved in Aavegotchi yet. Been planning to do that also, since I always loved exploiting NFT games before each new exploit gets patched up. :fistbump:
  3. johnarb


    Venus is my favorite