Where is a FOMC meeting schedule ?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by JohnBartle, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. Arnie


  2. Arnie


  3. Today wasn’t a meeting, it was the release of the meeting minutes from the Dec 15 meeting.
  4. The federal reserve calendar that I linked to gave the date of the meeting minutes many days ahead of time for the last meeting minutes, but it listed nothing about today's meeting minutes. How would someone know exactly when the meeting minutes are held ahead of time ?
  5. Overnight


    By looking at the actual calendar, not news events about the calendar.


    It is there you can see when the meetings are, and when the minutes are released...

    fedmeeting schedule.JPG

    Here comes the next meeting...

    fedmeeting schedule2.JPG

    So on January 26th or 27th, they should list when the minutes for that meeting will be released.

    If that doesn't work, just follow the forexfactory calendar each day. They do a great job of keeping track of these things for you. And you can even look ahead months at a time!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
    ipatent, JohnBartle and Mazedonia like this.
  6. Gasparov
