who is still profitable in the forex?

Discussion in 'Forex' started by mounafia, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Well he's not doing a very good job of it on this thread, the guy's making himself look like a first class idiot but he's too dumb to realize.
    #151     May 24, 2009
  2. Yes I did, but I deleted it. If you have any questions for me just post them to the board. Thanks.
    #152     May 24, 2009
  3. Questions? For you? lol, hardly!

    It's ok, I understand, you're pretty much invisible to everyone in the real world so you're just looking for some acknowledgment to verify you're actually still alive.

    Hey no problem, you can pop up any time you like :)
    #153     May 24, 2009

  4. LOL! This guy is too funny. How come I'm the only guy calling out this obvious bullshit? Tom Campbell did NOT say that about BrandonF. The sentence structure is suspiciously similar to Brandon's writing style, and the grammatical and spelling errors made are the same errors Brandon makes all the time. Perhaps he won't deny having typed that out, as someone with that high a position in MS knows the difference between too and to (maybe he's claiming to transcribe a quote from a conversation?)

    Boys and girls, he's using a very typical shady con artist salesman tactic, of pretending to be known by well respected influential people. I've seen con artist scammers actually go to the length of walking around with fake business cards from CEOs... if you dial the number on the card, it doesn't lead to the CEO.

    Anyone here who actually believes Tom Campbell wrote that statement about BrandonF deserves to have BrandonF take all his money.

    Another aspect of his bullshit that I find intensely amusing is his idea of "proof." He thinks posting a video of himself in a supposed hospital talking about a medical condition he googled is "proof" that he was sick. He thinks because other people fell for his claim of being sick, and thus have the perception that he was sick, that that is also proof. When both of those failed, he resorts to fake quotes from people he has never met, and that is supposed to "shut the case closed" on whether or not he's a liar.

    He's starting to get desperate... let's see how badly he'll embarrass himself now.
    #154     May 24, 2009
  5. achilles28


    Hi Brandon,

    I've always wondered what type of service you provide? Signals? Fundamental analysis? Educational/TA? Account management?

    And for the signals service "I charge a percentage of the revenue that i produce", is your track record made public? If so, where could one view it?

    I'm not here to flame, btw. If you're profitable (20%+, per year), then you're profitable.

    I think the covester route is a great answer to the insular and closed industry of hedge funds. The outsourcing of private wealth management.
    #155     May 24, 2009
  6. Brandon has given a good fight. You have to admit, Doug Allen gave up much more quickly than plucky little Brandon.
    He's got spunk, he needs to shave that 8th grade beard, but spunky just the same!
    #156     May 24, 2009
  7. colinpip


    Even if this quote is true (tbd i'm sure). Calling that business a "350 million per year business" is a gross exaggeration. It stands to reason that "process about 350million worth of ebay bids" means they are using the esnipe service to bid on $350m worth of auctions.

    Given the pricing model on esnipe.com it would take in about 1% of the final fee so that would make it a 3.5mm business which is by no means a small feat but hardly a "350 million per year business"
    #157     May 24, 2009
  8. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    The Beard came about from being in the hospital and not having shaved for a few days, it's been gone for awhile.

    #158     May 24, 2009
  9. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    How about this, you want to make a bet? Let's each place $100,000 with Baron in trust, the winner gets it. I'll send it tomorrow. Then, contact Tom at the email address provided on esnipe.com and ask him if he said that about me. I'm not an idiot, and wouldnt make up testimonials.
    The only one "embarrassing himself" is you.
    #159     May 24, 2009
  10. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    In terms of trading the only thing I do is for myself anymore, and most of that is investing.

    From 2001 to 2005 I did manage money OPM, and that was on a purely performance basis, I had no mgnt fee and I never had anyone complaining.

    Over the last year or so I've really moved more into marketing for companies, and I've decided to apply a "hedge fund" type fee structure to marketing.

    As I see it the problem with most marketing firms is that their interests are not alligned with that of the client, they get paid no matter what. The result is that they often care more about being cute then about making money.

    What I do with my marketing is I only charge customers for the actual results I produce, so there is no risk to them at all. I even pay for the first campaign to prove myself.

    So far this year I have produced well in excess of seven figures for my clients, and my fees come to mid six figures so far and should cross over $1mlllion by the end of summer.

    #160     May 24, 2009