Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. now look what u have done..u DUMB FUK :mad:

    drop in the ocean..last time..FUK OFF

    JH..u can contribute here if u like..TO has no problem with that..but u must post real trades..with real charts..and real explaining..no fukin bullshit..OK

    TO has no problem with JH posting real stuff for others to see..and who knows..maybe it will even suit some people here..but if post rubbish..and loads of shyte..then u will be fuked out of it from the highest tree..just like anyone else..the choice is yours..always has been..and always will be:D

    TO..aka The Oracle..member of TFF:)
    #3111     Jul 13, 2012
  2. I agree somewhat.

    If you "RELY" on most of what's out there you will lose money.

    But if you realize that you have to figure this out for yourself by
    using your brain & doing some thinking then you can pick out the bits
    & pieces from what's out there & some of it may open your
    eyes to a new idea or a new way of looking at things.

    I honestly do think that some people write "a" trading book for other
    reasons than just to fool people & make money (very rarely, but yes).
    More common is a book full of mostly rubbish but a couple points that
    may prove to be very useful.

    Sometimes I'll skim a trading book at the
    bookstore for free & find some good info. I just read the other day about
    how even the quants they hire on Wall Street can't figure out which
    way the market is going. One firm hired a quant to write a program to
    figure out when pension funds were going to do their buying so that
    they could front-run the pension funds, but when it came to pure
    price prediction the quants were useless. That doesn't sound like
    something that would help my trading, but for some reason it brought
    me a little peace knowing they don't have a clue either & gave a little
    insight to the trading firms.

    I just watched all of the Wall Street Warriors series on youtube this
    week. Now that may seem like total garbage, but it was good to get an
    inside look at how different types of firms operate. It's good to know
    a little about who else is out there playing in the markets we are
    trading. They showed a day in the life of a hedge fund, options broker, market
    maker, daytrading firm, boiler room, etc, etc, etc. Interesting stuff.

    I 100% agree with what you say about our educational system
    being the problem though, because I was totally trapped in
    that cycle. I could not trade, because I couldn't find the
    right book or the right expert to tell me how to do it. I always
    did so well in school; I just couldn't understand why I couldn't
    succeed at trading. Then I came across your posts about our
    educational system & Montaigne & that's probably one of the
    first times I started using my brain to think for myself, so thanks.
    #3112     Jul 13, 2012
  3. Redneck


    According to my kids - no I don't

    According to my better half - no I don't

    According to the mkt - no I don't

    wadda ya gonna do

    #3113     Jul 13, 2012
  4. ocean5


    You have no problem with that,uhuh...it is not your thread,as you`ve been told already,dickhead!!!real charts?you must eat shit first,cockhead!caca oracle.
    #3114     Jul 13, 2012
  5. TO has given JH a chance to post some real stuff..if he wants..if he posts rubbish..then he will be fuked out of it..as mentioned..if he fuks off..and does not come back..then that is fine also..but he is not welcome here to post endless shyte about nothing..neither TO..nor anyone else has time for same..hell..TO is in the middle of finishing the FFT setup..and the last thing he needs is some fukin idiots posting shyte for him to answer to

    #3115     Jul 13, 2012
  6. ocean5


    Why mods allow to post this freak an endless bullshit in the other man`s thread?
    #3116     Jul 13, 2012
  7. thanks for taking the time to read my posts.
    #3117     Jul 13, 2012
  8. ocean5


    Haaaaaah...........Jack,lets get back to the cases,they do not work.You got to be careful if God would ask you to fix some stuff in the Universe.

    #3118     Jul 13, 2012
  9. MK..u seem to be still stuck in "search" mode..u need to get the fuk out of that mode and get into experience mode

    TO can do no more..only pass on the realizations that TO has had..and..the main point..is..99.99% of it is bullshit..AND NOT REQUIRED..AT ALL

    so..what one does with info passed on is up to one..as only one can decide for oneself

    an old saying..never forget it..is..if only i knew then what i now know:)

    Montaigne..was..of course..CORRECT :D

    #3119     Jul 13, 2012
  10. Redneck


    You really that dumb... really??

    #3120     Jul 13, 2012