Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Redneck


    A second chance if memory serves

    We'll see if this time is any different :p

    #3121     Jul 13, 2012
  2. go off and read an englissssh book..u DUMB FUK:D

    u sound like a half educated arsehole:D

    now for the last time..FUK OFF U USELESS CUNT:D
    #3122     Jul 13, 2012
  3. ocean5


    Excuse me?
    #3123     Jul 13, 2012
  4. ocean5


    The one who`s talking about oneself in third person is an ahamkara as it is.
    #3124     Jul 13, 2012
  5. Redneck


    Read slower - maybe next time your get it

    And I do excuse you


    #3125     Jul 13, 2012
  6. ahhhhh..but..TO is the master of reading between the lines..for..how do u think TO became a member of TFF..as..it is next to impossible to get membership:D

    #3126     Jul 13, 2012
  7. I'm stuck in "search" mode because I read a trading book at the book store while I'm relaxing with a cup of coffee? Stuck because I watched Wall Street Warriors on youtube?

    Don't you ever read or watch tv? I find the trading world interesting so I enjoy reading & watching about it.

    I trade every single day & I get better & better. I find it getting simpler & simpler. There are only so many variables: price, volume, time. bet size, target (or none), stop (or none). Get the layout of your screen just right so you can see what you need to see & execute the way you need to execute.
    Then just trade. In & out. Some right. Some wrong. Watch the best indicator known as your account balance & make adjustments if necessary.

    I ain't stuck.
    #3127     Jul 13, 2012
  8. well RN..let's see what his options are:D

    when TO is finished with the new FFT setup..the ES will be exposed for what it really is..and there will be no need for any fuked up fancy stuff..just plain old B&E trading..with some assistance from Mr Bill Gates himself..the geeky bastard:D

    #3128     Jul 13, 2012
  9. ocean5


    Go to the toilet and to the bad.Your time is out.
    #3129     Jul 13, 2012
  10. ocean5


    Are you still here?!Wrap your 2 bit cunt bullshit and foff
    #3130     Jul 13, 2012