Why so many angry people using &%$*^&^, **** words in ET forum?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by maxinger, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. maxinger


    Why are there so many angry people using *&^*^#$##$, *******, !!!!!!! words in
    this ET forum?

    Obviously, these people are very angry, frustrated, vengeful, hateful, abrasive,
    corrosive and will bash anyone for no good reason.

    They must have just lost tons of money from investing / trading.
    Or instead of earning $1 million, they just earned a pathetic $1.

    They are unable to neutralize or
    not interested in neutralizing their negative emotions.

    In the worst case, instead of greeting people by saying

    "Good Morning, Have a great day",
    they replace it with
    "*&^*^#$##$, *******, !!!!!!!".
    I pity their close relatives, and friends (if they have).

    You can see such people in this forum every single day.
    Now let's see how lost $$$$ today.

    Have a great day.

    ooooohhhhhhhmmmmmm ......
    Peace be with you or whatever.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    PPC, smallfil, tony.m and 1 other person like this.
  2. wartrace


    I happened to notice this as well. Instead of trying to be helpful quite a few get abusive towards people. More than likely this behavior is turning new members away and that is a shame. Everyone is an ignorant newby at some point. It doesn't mean they are stupid; they just need to be pointed in the right direction. If anyone is prone to posting insults or snark perhaps the best course of action is not replying.
  3. zdreg


    I see increased numbers of posts at both ends of the spectrum. There are too many posts by people who are too lazy to use a search tool including googling or the search tool on ET. Blame a lousy American education. On the other hand there seems to be more expert well written threads discussing the way markets work.
    p0box4 likes this.
  4. Nobert


    Just put them on the block / ignore.

    8 bil people on this planet. Even if you give 1 second to each, you still need ~ 250 years.

    Life is to short.
  5. Yeah, too lazy.
    But more likely there are large numbers of people (mostly young) who are coming up short in their career ambitions. The "safety valve" out for most of them, is to teach themselves new skills. What's better than sitting at home in you underwear, day trading the market?

    But that is easier said than done.
    Especially with the cultural stratification (Greatest Generation, to BabyBoomers, to GenZ, etc). And no excuses belong on this MB.
    And that is why the securities industry is seen by many to be a wholly callous, insensitive place.
    And any individual with a lot of financial success must have a large "INTERSECTIONALITY" with vices. (showing off my new Venn diagram lingo).
    The vice of jealousy often takes over, and that is deadly in the markets.

    I think the most important skill is the ability to teach yourself to learn new skills.
    If you don't know how to do that, you have a poor education.
    Look at that and face it.
    You're not dead until they are throwing dirt on you.
    So, get to work.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. Good Morning maxinger,

    Money is not the root of all evil. Not having money and being a Loser is the root of all evil!

    This is why I love day trader, because it tells me QUICKLY who I am in simplicity context. If I win, I am Winner, and if I lose, I am big LOSER. There is nothing more beautiful in life, then being identified as a Winner or Loser, quickly. Day Trader provides this classification to me or the any person doing it.

    The people on this forum who is being mean to people is ALL for one reason and one reason only and that reason is: They are not making money as a day trader. They lost ALOT of money as a day trader, and now have no money. They are not a millionaire from day trading and have a long way to go.

    The only people arguing and being mean to other people on this forum is People who is NOT making money as a day trader and Wasted years and years and years and Loss tons of money, currently in drawdown, and their down about -$150,000 throughout their trading career and their wife or husband looks at them as a complete Loser as a Day Trader.

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    maxinger and countryBoy641 like this.
  7. traider


    So are you big winner or loser yet?
  8. Not even that SML.
    Money is the wrong measure.
    It's what brought the money --> Ambition, and overcoming all the challenges.
    That is what brings the happiness. Not the money.
    And that is why all the Socialist schemes are doomed to failure.
    They can redistribute all the money they want.
    But they can't redistribute happiness.
    expiated and SimpleMeLike like this.
  9. Tokenz


    I've been a part of probably 25 different forums in my life, and this probably one of the worst for flaming and shaming people, and I blame it all on the money.

    It's pretty sad when someone has a pathetic life and all they can do is be mean to others to point the blame for their problems. Whenever I encounter this, I always try to treat them the same way I would treat a retard. With kindness and love and when they don't understand it, leave...
    wartrace, SimpleMeLike and maxinger like this.
  10. maxinger


    Wise man.
    #10     Apr 17, 2024
    SimpleMeLike likes this.