WTF: He Trained Cops to Bust Crypto Crimes While Running Dark-Web Drug Market

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by schizo, May 23, 2024.

  1. nitrene


    The city of SF just gave free booze & drugs to the homeless a few weeks ago. There is no future for SF and its corrupt politicians running the bay area into the ground. Amazingly these rich idiots in the bay area continue to elect these thieves.

    Oakland is also full of corrupt politicians. They elect woke mayor after woke mayor and never learn anything. They just double & triple down on their idiocy.
    #21     May 27, 2024
  2. nitrene


    The US is already a plutocracy run by the banks & energy companies. You have a choice:

    1) Leave the Fed and society continues until the reserve currency is no longer the USD (MMT).
    2) End the Fed and go back to cyclical depressions like from Reconstruction to 1913.

    US will not get better under their current trajectory of MMT. Under No Fed the US will get better but you have to be willing to let the current wealthy go bankrupt and the inevitable fallout of trickle down poverty.

    TLDR: The lazy rent seekers destroying the economy have to go bankrupt and new winners have to emerge. Bottom line is in Capitalism someone has to eventually take a loss. The Fed's extent & pretend have destroyed this country.
    #22     May 27, 2024
    jbusse likes this.
  3. schizo


    Have you ever heard of "Capitalist Realism"? Here's a very succinct definition.


    I highly recommend you (and anyone) to read the following book, if you haven't already.

    #23     May 27, 2024
  4. Of course there is an alternative. When I was a kid, if you stood in West Germany, and peered over into East Germany, you'd see that iron wall standing in Europe.

    It was blockaded and controlled by German Shepards, with barbed wire. Why?

    West side answer: They are prisoners in there, trapped forever in socialism/communism. They all want out!

    East side answer: We need to keep those westerners out of our socialist/communism. They all want in!

    Looks like we are getting ready to build another in Europe again. Split it right down through the middle of Ukraine.
    #24     May 27, 2024
  5. nitrene


    If this were true & not just another lie from the GDR why would the STASI be listening in on every citizen? What a joke.

    The best movie about the lies of the STASI is the 2006 film Das Leben der Anderen.
    #25     May 28, 2024