YM Traders

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by volente_00, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Wow... you might want to look at your daily loss limit. For that $42,000 day, you basically gave up 38 days of trading by giving you the benefit of the doubt assessment of an average month of $55,000 (which is actually your highest month). If your average month is around $20,000 (fairly typical for pro prop traders) then you gave up 85 trading days.

    I would strongly suggest using a daily limit equal to half of your net average per day. This will put you way ahead in the long run. Your trader's edge right now from what you have shared is close to being 0 or negative.

    Would you tell us what your average is (NET after fees, commish, daily fixed cost, etc)?
    #11     Aug 25, 2005
  2. i'm apparently trading smaller than you guys, although looks like your more efficient too volente

    are you trend following, or scalping or mixture in the ym?

    biggest ym win for me is around 1100, biggest losing day in ym is about 520.

    something that i've found for myself is that in order to get a solid 2:1 avg gain/loss, i need to SHOOT for greater than 2:1 or what i mean is...make myself available to get more than 2:1.
    #12     Aug 25, 2005
  3. volente_00


    I do a little bit of everything, I try to average 20 points minimum for each trade, sometimes the market gives more, sometimes less.
    #13     Aug 25, 2005
  4. volente_00


    blackguard, tell me more about the 42k day, just curious what size you were doing.
    #14     Aug 25, 2005
  5. 40 contracts. It happened in early 2003. Got caught short and didn't get out.

    This is a couple months after I started futures trading, so it was kind of a rude awakening.

    Keep in mind, YM was more volatile (larger daily ranges) back then. I also had a larger account size back then.
    #15     Aug 26, 2005
  6. Learner


    If it is easy to lose money in the markets, it must be easy to make money from the mkts( By a guru, L W?)
    #16     Aug 26, 2005
  7. I don't really understand what you mean by traders edge. Please explain.

    This loss happened in early 2003. I have since then adjusted my trading style. My account size is smaller these days as well. I try to make a steady 1-2K a day and limit my losing days, when they happen, to that amount as well.

    what do you mean by traders edge?
    #17     Aug 26, 2005
  8. volente_00


    How many trades did it take to drop 42 k?

    did you not use stops back then ?
    #18     Aug 26, 2005
  9. it was one trade. Did not get out when I should have. I thought the market would reverse and it didn't
    #19     Aug 26, 2005
  10. volente_00


    You lost 210 points on one trade ?
    #20     Aug 26, 2005