You have to love liberal economics.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Dec 28, 2017.

  1. exGOPer


    Sounds like Missisippi and Alabama.

    Again, is Forbes a lefty site now?
    #41     Dec 28, 2017
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    Sounds like more like every single place run by liberals in all of north america.

    #42     Dec 28, 2017
  3. exGOPer


    Blame the iphone for not knowing the right word.

    And at least I know how to read an economic paper instead of getting economic theory from memes.

    Here is a peer reviewed paper on why Venezeula's economy collapsed and it's not in French Oil Prices on Venezuela_September 2015.pdf
    #43     Dec 28, 2017
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    #44     Dec 28, 2017
    Tom B likes this.
  5. exGOPer


    Who gives a shit, more irrelevant babble after you lost the first argument.

    Liberals this liberals that while red states are mooching off everyone else while drowning in meth and inbred retards.
    #45     Dec 28, 2017
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    Yep i lost the argument, nice one michael, maybe if we hand all the citizens twelve k communism will finally take hold and we will see real GDP growth. :D :D :D
    #46     Dec 28, 2017
  7. exGOPer


    You cons never debate in good faith - you and your ilk started namecalling when I accurately pointed out that oil prices led to Venezeula's economy collapsing but even after presenting evidence from a right wing site and a scientific paper - you refuse to acknowledge your bullshit and just deflect into more irrelevant babble.

    You also refuse to answer a simple question

    If you conservative policies are so good for the economy, then why are the most conservative states in the country so fucking poor? Why isn't Kansas the biggest economy in the country? Why are poverty rates so high in every red state?

    No answer, just blah blah liberals blah blah communism.
    #47     Dec 28, 2017
    Tony Stark likes this.
  8. Cuddles


    You missed that boat (Venezuela Petro bonds)
    #48     Dec 28, 2017
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    Wouldnt have touched them regardless, there is no comeback for that economy, business people have fled, and the government ran it into the ground, and the bondholders pulled the pin on it, the same thing happens every time.
    #49     Dec 28, 2017
  10. Cuddles


    To be fair, nationalizing a bunch of private industry accelerated their demise, but cons will never admit anything attached to socialism could ever be good in any case.

    They should just rebrand socialist policies to "America-fuck-yeah" policies and they'll eat it up. For reference, look at Trump's tariffs on import and protectionist rethoric of domestic industry.
    #50     Dec 28, 2017
    Max E. and exGOPer like this.